New client request
Judea is currently taking new color clients by text consultation. She enjoys doing natural looks, balayage, blondes and lived-in colors. After the consultation and if you both decide you're a good fit she will tell you how to book your appointment.
First off her soonest availability for color is about
four-eight weeks out & color prices are $110 an hour.
If that this sounds good please send:
Two-three pictures of your current hair
Two-three pictures of your hair inspirations
ALL current hair history (bleach, color, use of any pigmented shampoos such as overtone, sun damage, perms, etc.).
What is your ideal color maintenance schedule? (Example every six weeks)
What days work best for you to come in? On average a lightening service is about three-four hours. Saturdays are by request only in Petaluma.
Please text all information to (415) 508-7079.